Day 14

12th November 2007

Another day at The Greatest Academy on Earth. And only three days to go. Time has flown by.

We have more clients coming through he door now though. I wonder if people have been watching the show and thought, "They look like they know what they are doing. I'm going in for a trim". Remember, some of us are actors!

Today, I had three hair cuts, a manicure, a mud wrap and ‘a strip of a’ bum wax. All this and we need to prepare for the big Hair Show on Wednesday.

Comedy Dave, from Radio 1's ‘Chris Moyle's Show’, was sponsored by listeners to the tune of £30,000 to have his bum waxed. With this much pledged, how could Dave refuse? He bravely popped in, stripped off, and we ripped off (his hair). I signed a wax strip as a souvenir of his time in The Academy. Well done Dave.